How to use your Digital SLR camera. Three topics are discussed to help you use your digital camera on manual mode (Shutter Speed, Aperture and ISO setting).
Digital SLR basics for Beginners
Understand how exposure works and how to adjust your camera settings to take the perfect photo. What you will need: DSLR camera with any compatible lens(s), charged battery, memory card, notebook/paper and pen/pencil. If you own a point and shoot camera and want to learn how it works, please join our Digital Photo Power Course. Duration: 6 hours (This course takes place over 3 days. Two hours of class per day, which includes one field trip location)
Maximum number of students per course is 10. A minimum of 3 students are required for class to run.
Course runs every Monday and Wednesday evening, starting at 6pm inside Artscape Youngplace 180 Shaw St, Toronto ON